Yesterday druing an Angel Reading a client asked a question, whose anwer might interest many of you.
She asked, "Do Angels have emotions?"
Yes, they do indeed. After the reading I checked in with them for more information about this question. Here is what we learned in the reading and after.
Angels are beings of joy (I always feel this in their presence). As such they have a very great capacity for it - which also means they can feel great sadness - particularly when someone(s) choose away from joy and love repeatedly - as so many of us have on this planet.
Joy has been greatly underestimated by some, who have relegated it to a silly emotion usually experienced on a regular basis only by children and perhaps those who are a bit daft. What Angels have to teach us is the incredible power in joy. Joy does not deny pain, suffering, rage, anger, sorrow, fear or any other emotion. True joy - deep, lasting, nurturing joy - allows one to hold and experience all the other emotions next to, with, embraced by joy.
It's very much like when a Mother is angry at a child for doing something dangerous. What's behind and wrapped around that anger is love. Joy and love are both powerful wraps. And even in the darkest fear, rage, etc. - they bring us hope and give us courage to stay the course.
Joy, the Angels tell us, is also innate in humans. We too, are beings of joy. Joy is a purer emotion even than love.
Do Angels feel emotion in the same way humans do? Not truly. Angels to do not hold emotion; rather they allow emotion to move through them without judgement. Humans tend to hold emotion - often to their detriment. Only humans judge some emotions to be good and others to be bad. Angels understand emotions to be different expressions, like different voices, of being. They simply are.
"Court your joy!", the tell us. "Follow it to the fullness of who are and to your purpose."